Vardenafil vs Tadalafil: Which Pill Is Best For ED?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence is a common sexual health disorder affecting men, especially those over the age of 40. ED occurs when you either cannot achieve an erection when sexually aroused or cannot maintain it long enough to engage in sexual activity.

ED can occur due to psychological and physical causes, such as stress, tiredness, diabetes, depression or high blood pressure. Fortunately, there are many effective medications to treat erectile dysfunction, such as Tadalafil and Vardenafil

Below, we analyse Vardenafil vs Tadalafil to help you determine which treatment works best for you. 

Tadalafil Overview: How Does Tadalafil Work? 

Tadalafil is the generic version of the popular brand name ED medication Cialis. Tadalafil requires a prescription and works exactly the same as Cialis, but is available at a lower price. 

Tadalafil belongs to a group of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. When sexually aroused, PDE5 inhibitors block PDE5 enzymes, which cause the smooth muscles in the penis to relax and promote blood flow, resulting in an erection. 

Vardenafil Overview: How Does Vardenafil Work? 

Vardenafil is the generic version of the brand name Levitra. Vardenafil is also classed as a PDE5 inhibitor and is used for treating ED in men. When sexually aroused, Vardenafil works by promoting blood flow into the penis, resulting in an erection. 

Vardenafil requires a prescription and works exactly the same as the brand-name drug Levitra, but is much cheaper and, therefore, more accessible. 

What’s the Difference Between Tadalafil and Vardenafil? 

Active ingredient VardenafilTadalafil
How long do they take to work? 30-60 minutes30-60 minutes
Dosage 5mg, 10mg, 20mg2.5mg, 5mg,10mg, 20mg
Side effects
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Dizziness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Facial flushing
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Nasal congestion
  • Muscle aches
  • Facial flushing
  • Nausea
Key differences
  • Available in three different strength doses
  • The active ingredient is vardenafil
  • It can only last in the bloodstream for 4-5 hours
  • Available in four different strength doses
  • The active ingredient is tadalafil
  • It can last in the bloodstream for up to 36 hours
Interactions with other medications
  • Nitrates
  • Protease inhibitors
  • Alpha-blockers
  • Antifungal medications
  • Antibiotics
  • PDE5 inhibitors 
  • Antifungal drugs
  • Nitrates
  • Antihypertensive drugs
  • PDE5 inhibitors
  • Protease inhibitors
  • Grapefruit juice
  • Alpha-blockers
  • Antibiotics
Manufacturer Zentiva, Rivophram, MylanCipla EU, Aspire Pharma and others
CostStarting from £16.99Starting from £8.49

Vardenafil vs Tadalafil Active Ingredients

Vardenafil is the active ingredient in and the generic version of the brand name ED medication Levitra. 

Tadalafil is the active ingredient in and the generic version of the brand name ED medication called Cialis

Both Vardenafil and Tadalafil are part of a class of drugs called PDE5 inhibitors. 

How Long Do Vardenafil and Tadalafil Take to Work?

Once you have taken your prescribed dose of Vardenafil, it can take 30-60 minutes to become effective. 

Similarly, Tadalafil, once taken, also takes 30-60 minutes to begin working. 

For these ED medications to be effective, you need to be sexually aroused. 

Vardenafil vs Tadalafil: Potency, Dosage and Usage Recommendations


Vardenafil is available in three different doses: 5mg, 10mg and 20mg tablets. The recommended starting dose is 10mg; however, your GP or pharmacist will advise you on which dose will be the most effective for you. 

A dose of Vardenafil should be taken at least 30 minutes before you plan on having sex. You should not take more than one dose in a 24-hour period. 


Tadalafil is available in four different doses: 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20mg tablets. Your GP or pharmacist will advise which dose is the most appropriate for you and how often you should take it. 

Tadalafil should also be taken at least 30 minutes before you plan on having sex. It can be taken on either an empty stomach or after a light meal. Avoid grapefruit juice or the fruit when taking Tadalafil as it can increase the concentration of the drug in your body, increasing the risk of adverse side effects. 

As a general rule, you should not take more than one dose of Tadalafil in a day. Please note, the lower strength of tadalafil (2.5mg and 5mg) should be taken ONCE DAILY, whereas the 10mg and 20mg are taken prior to having sex.

How Does it Feel After Taking Vardenafil Compared to Tadalafil?

After taking Tadalafil or Vardenafil, you may experience mild side effects that should disappear within two hours. Both these ED medications begin to work after 30-60 minutes. Tadalafil can last up to 36 hours in the body and Vardenafil can last up to 4-5 hours in the body. 

 Vardenafil vs Tadalafil Side Effects

There are known side effects for both Tadalafil and Vardenafil. To reduce the risk of experiencing severe side effects, take the medications exactly as prescribed. 


Common side effects of Tadalafil include: 

  • Muscle aches 
  • Headaches 
  • Nausea 
  • Facial flushing 
  • Indigestion 
  • Nasal congestion 

Severe side effects of Tadalafil include: 

  • Chest pain 
  • An erection lasting 4 hours or more 
  • Sudden loss of hearing or ringing in the ears 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Feeling light headed or dizzy 


Common side effects of Vardenafil include: 

  • Dizziness 
  • Headache 
  • Indigestion 
  • Facial flushing 
  • Runny or blocked nose 

Severe side effects of Vardenafil include: 

  • An erection lasting 4 hours or more
  • Fast heartbeat 
  • Sudden loss of vision or hearing 
  • Back or muscle pain 
  • Rash 

If you experience an allergic reaction or severe side effects from either Vardenafil or Tadalafil, seek emergency medical care or call 999. 

Talk to your pharmacist or GP about any persistent common side effects that do not get better after taking Tadalafil or Vardenafil a couple of times. If you would like to know more about the side effects of either medication, have a look at the Patient Information Leaflet found in the box your tablets come in. 

Key Differences Between the Two

The key differences between Vardenafil and Tadalafil are dose strengths, how long they last in the body, and the active ingredients. 

Vardenafil is only available in three different doses (5mg, 10mg and 20mg) and only lasts in the bloodstream for 4-5 hours. Alternatively, Tadalafil is available in four different doses (2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20mg), and it can last up to 36 hours in the body. 

Vardenafil and Tadalafil Interactions With Other Medications

Both Tadalafil and Vardenafil interact with other medications, such as: 

  • Nitrates 
  • Protease inhibitors 
  • Antifungal medications
  • Some antibiotics 
  • Alpha-blockers 
  • Other blood pressure medications 
  • Other PDE5 inhibitors (e.g. Cialis, Viagra and Spedra) 

Tadalafil also interacts with grapefruit and grapefruit juice, as this can increase the levels of the active ingredient in the body, leading to an increased risk of side effects. 

It is vital that you tell your GP or pharmacist about any vitamins, other prescription medications,  supplements or herbal remedies that you take.

Vardenafil vs Tadalafil Cost Comparison

You can get both Tadalafil and Vardenafil from Cloud Pharmacy with a prescription. Here’s a breakdown of the different costs depending on dosage and quantity.
















10mg £8.49£17.50£23.99N/A£45.95N/AN/A


 4 Tablets 8 Tablets 16 Tablets 32 Tablets 
20mg £25.99£49.99£79.99£105.99

Is Vardenafil Better than Tadalafil? 

Both of these prescription medications are safe and effective options for treating ED in men. Vardenafil is as effective as Tadalafil, and they both have similar side effects. 

The only difference is how long each drug is effective in the body. Clinical trials found that Tadalafil has a longer duration of effectiveness than Vardenafil. Tadalafil lasts up to 36 hours in the body, while Vardenafil only lasts 4-5 hours. 

Therefore, whether Vardenafil or Tadalafil is better is down to your personal preferences, reaction to each drug and required duration of effectiveness.

Vardenafil vs Tadalafil Customer Reviews 

Tadalafil reviews are mostly positive with reviewers liking how long it was effective for, the cost compared to Cialis and its overall effectiveness. 

To find out more about what customers think of Tadalafil tablets, take a look at our guide ‘Tadalafil Reviews: What Users Really Think’.

Vardenafil reviews are mixed. Reviewers note it is as effective as Levitra at a fraction of the cost. Others found it was not always effective. 

What Alternatives to Tadalafil and Vardenafil Are There? 

If you find that Vardenafil and Tadalafil are not the most suitable ED medications for you, Cloud Pharmacy has a range of other ED medications that your pharmacist can help you choose from: 

  • Viagra: Requires a prescription and is a well-known and trusted ED medication
  • Sildenafil: This is the generic version of Viagra and requires a prescription; it works the same as Viagra
  • Cialis: Requires a prescription and is known for its long-lasting effects
  • Spedra: This is a fast-acting ED medication (within 20 minutes) that requires a prescription 
  • Viagra Connect: This can be purchased over-the-counter (OTC), is only available in 50mg tablets and works the same as Viagra
  • Eropid: This can be purchased OTC and contains the same amount of sildenafil as Viagra Connect
  • Eroxon Stimgel: This is an OTC single-use gel used to treat ED. 
  • Cialis Together: This can be purchased OTC, is only available in 10mg tablets and works the same as Cialis

Where to Buy Vardenafil and Tadalafil? 

Both ED medications are effective and safe. Choosing between them comes down to what suits your needs and how well you respond to the treatment. Talk to your GP or pharmacist about your symptoms and possible causes of ED so they can help determine which medication will work best for you. 

Cloud Pharmacy is a licensed and trusted online pharmacy in the UK where you can get a prescription for Tadalafil or Vardenafil after a short consultation with a pharmacist. Before you book a quick consultation, you’ll complete a quick eligibility check. You will then be able to order your ED treatment and have it discretely delivered to your UK address. 

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